Latest research shows benefit of non-invasive, high-plex protein profiling for liver disease

Pharma researchers use non-invasive SomaSignal® tests to advance understanding and treatment strategies for liver disease and NASH

Exciting new discoveries have been made recently by researchers using the NASH bundle of SomaSignal® tests as a non-invasive, liquid biopsy approach to identify novel protein biomarkers related to liver disease and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). See below for recent research from our pharma partners. Want to discuss these results or learn how high-plex protein profiling could accelerate your research? Contact us today.

Preview of Anne Minnich, PhD Webinar

Correlation of a nonalcoholic steatohepatitis proteomic test with clinical outcomes

Anne Minnich, PhD, biomarker consultant at Bristol Myers Squibb, presented published research on the use of the SomaSignal NASH bundle in the recently completed FALCON 1 Phase IIb multicenter trial investigating the use of three pegbelfermin doses in patients with NASH.

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Preview image of EASL poster - Utility Of

Utility of SomaSignal panels for drug response and monitoring disease progression in patients with advanced fibrosis due to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis

Researchers from Liver Institute Northwest, Washington State University, Gilead Sciences, Houston Research Institute, and NAFLD Research Center – University of California San Diego presented results from the Phase IIb ATLAS trial that showed SomaSignal test scores for NASH are significantly associated with histologically assessed NASH Clinical Research Network (CRN) scores and may thus be useful for noninvasive assessment of treatment responses in NASH clinical trials.

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EASL poster - Semaglutide

Semaglutide reduced the odds of having NASH components in populations with overweight/obesity, as measured by SomaSignal models

Researchers from University Medical Center Mainz, Aarhus University Hospital, Novo Nordisk, Virginia Commonwealth University, Diabetes Research Centre – University of Leicester, and NIHR Leicester Biomedical Research Centre applied data from two Phase IIIa weight loss trials and one Phase IIb trial and found semaglutide had a favorable effect on NASH components in patients with overweight/obesity, with and without Type 2 diabetes.

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Want to learn more about SomaSignal tests for pharma research?

Our SomaSignal tests are based on a dataset of ~3 million protein measurements that we developed by analyzing thousands of patients using our high-plex, high-throughput SomaScan Assay. Learn more about the NASH bundle and all our SomaSignal tests here.

Want to know more about using high-plex, aptamer-based protein profiling for NASH research?

See more research, webinars, and our full SomaSignal test portfolio here. And watch our video to see how our proprietary SOMAmer® (Slow Off-rate Modified Aptamer) protein affinity reagents work.

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PosterOptimizing biomarker discovery with focus on low coefficient of variation in large-scale proteomics

Coefficients of variation (CV) describe innate technical variation in high throughput molecular measurement platforms and are a standard metric for characterizing and monitoring assay precision. Median CVs range from ~4.5% to 18.0% for immunoassay technology, 1 up to >30% for mass spectrometry,2 ~5% for the SomaScan® Assay, and ~10% for the Olink Explore Assay (Figure 1). Large CVs can cause technical variability to overwhelm biological signal.

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PosterA proteomic predictor of conversion from mild cognitive impairment to dementia with potential utility in enhancing productivity of emerging clinical trials

A significant proportion of individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) develop dementia, with annual conversion rates exceeding 10%. Earlier dementia diagnosis and intervention can improve outcomes, and new disease-modifying drugs are being repositioned for the preclinical stages of illness.

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PosterQuantitative immunology protein panel built on the SomaScan Assay platform

The SomaScan® assay is a highly multiplexed proteomic assay that uses SOMAmer® reagents to detect proteins in various biological samples. The latest version of the SomaScan assay allows researchers to measure over 11,000 proteins in human blood. The SomaScan assay is designed to provide protein epitope abundance measurements by reporting relative SOMAmer reagent abundance quantified using DNA microarrays.

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