Improving clinical development productivity with high-plex proteomics

Improving clinical development productivity with high-plex proteomics

While the vast majority of approved pharmaceuticals target proteins, knowledge of the full complement of proteins that are acted on by drugs, or are potentially druggable, remains incomplete. Assessment of the human proteome is thus increasingly recognized as a priority for successful and cost-effective drug development and clinical research.

Recent remarkable advances in high-plex technology are also bringing proteomics to the fore of precision medicine applications. While increasingly appreciated as powerful tools for target discovery and validation, such high-resolution proteomics approaches can also positively impact many other aspects of the clinical development process, from early through later stages.

This webcast will describe several levers of productivity that proteomics is well-positioned to support, providing evidence for each garnered over many years of innovative collaboration with biotech and pharma. Positive impacts on decision-making that affect economic considerations and ultimate trial success will also be highlighted.

Learn about:

  • Applying proteomics in clinical development and strengths of a high-plex aptamer-based platform
  • Statistical and machine learning approaches to protein models that reflect clinical phenotypes
  • How proteomics applications can move biotech and pharma productivity levers toward improving success rates

DeAunne Denmark, MD, PhD Senior Director Translational Medicine and Clinical Development

DeAunne Denmark, MD, PhD

DeAunne Denmark, MD, PhD, is Senior Director of Translational Medicine and Clinical Development at SomaLogic. She is a translational physician-scientist with specialization in molecular and genomic medicine, and precision approaches to complex chronic illness and rare, undiagnosed, and neuroimmune diseases. For over ten years prior to SomaLogic, she served in multiple roles across healthcare, academia, early-stage ventures, industry, and non-profits to develop and directly apply emerging precision technologies toward transforming clinical research and patient care. At SomaLogic, Dr. Denmark works closely with life sciences and academic clients as well as internal research teams to further develop high-value translational proteomics applications, including as co-lead of an initiative to generate evidence of platform utility in clinical development. She completed her MD and PhD in Behavioral Genetics and Neuroscience through the Medical Scientist Training Program at Oregon Health & Sciences University, supported by an NIH fellowship for work focused on molecular and behavioral systems approaches to understanding complex traits and genetic vulnerability to neuropsychiatric disease.

Image of Joe Gogain, SomaLogic Director of Clinical R&D

Joe Gogain, PhD

Joe Gogain, PhD, is Director of Clinical Research and Development at SomaLogic. For the past five years, he has worked closely with collaborating partners interested in biomarker and target discovery, as well as diagnostic and prognostic proteomic model development. Joe is a biological scientist with molecular diagnostic and immunoassay development expertise. He has a proven track record of IVD product development under design control and experience in de novo 510(k) regulatory submission processes and requirements. Additionally, Joe has served as a director of national clinical trials for point-of-care diagnostic devices.

Improving clinical development productivity with high-plex proteomics

A presentation by DeAunne Denmark, MD, PhD, and Joe Gogain, PhD

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