SomaScan® Assay Services

Access our fee-for-service, CLIA-certified lab at U.S. World Headquarters or our worldwide network of SomaLogic Authorized Sites.

Deepen your molecular insights of new biomarkers and therapeutic targets with high-plex protein profiling

The field of proteomics is rapidly expanding as technology evolves to analyze protein dynamics, adding to the vast knowledge of DNA and RNA by providing new biological insights and discoveries. High-plex protein profiling can capture interactions and function to better understand how they influence major processes including signaling pathways, disease progression, metabolic reactions and immune function. These proteomic insights are relevant at every stage of the drug discovery and development pipeline.

The SomaScan® Assay, a fee-for-service proteomic technology platform, provides the ability to measure a large number of secreted, intracellular and extracellular proteins covering a broad range of functions in a cost-effective manner. At our CLIA-certified, CAP-accredited lab at U.S. World Headquarters in Boulder, Colorado, our team of experts manages all steps from sample intake to processing to data delivery.

View the power of 11K

SomaScan Assay – Available in 11K and 7K formats

Interested in the SomaScan 11K Assay?

The SomaScan 11,000-plex menu is the most powerful proteomics solution today. Covering half of the genetically encoded human proteome, researchers can now decipher human biology by casting the widest net possible.

If you are ready to convert from 7K to 11K, you will gain the flexibility to analyze an increased number of sample types and still rely on the same robust panels with our signature precision and reliability.

Hexagon icon showing map marker
SomaLogic’s CLIA-certified,
CAP-accredited laboratory

Assay Services
are available at

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Authorized Sites

How to work with our CLIA-certified lab in the U.S.

Map of SomaLogic Authorized Sites WorldWide

How to work with a SomaLogic Authorized Site

Prefer to send your samples to one of our Authorized Sites?

SomaScan Assay Services are also available at these sites. See contact details for all sites here.

See how the
SomaScan® Assay works


View citations of over 1,000 publications using the SomaScan® Platform

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Want to move to 11K?

Ready to get started?

View the power of 11K
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