Single SOMAmer Reagents

Adaptable plug-and-play solution for singleplex exploration of your SomaScan Assay results

Enhance your target protein analysis

After receiving your SomaScan® Assay data, it’s important to continue exploring your targets of interest using affinity-based methods like sandwich ELISA or mass spectrometry. Incorporating Single SOMAmer® Reagents into these workflows offers key advantages over traditional antibodies, ensuring better performance and more reliable results. Whether you’re facing limitations with antibodies or seeking to enhance assay sensitivity, Single SOMAmer Reagents provide a superior alternative to elevate your research.

Why choose Single SOMAmer Reagents to investigate SomaScan Assay results?

Single SOMAmer Reagents are the same high-performance reagents used in the SomaScan Assay, designed for plug-and-play integration into your existing workflows. Their small size, exceptional stability and lower nonspecific binding make them the ideal solution when traditional antibodies are unavailable or underperforming. Single SOMAmer Reagents enable deeper access to target protein sites, ensuring more accurate and reproducible results.

Alternative to antibodies

Use Single SOMAmer Reagents when antibodies are underperforming or unavailable, saving time and custom development costs.

Broad selection

Choose from nearly 11,000 reagents in the SomaScan 11K Assay menu, avoiding the need for costly antibody development.

Superior performance

Benefit from chemical synthesis and Single SOMAmer Reagents with defined DNA sequences minimizing off-target effects and nonspecific binding.

Long-term stability

Enjoy a one-year shelf life and freeze-thaw resistance, ensuring Single SOMAmer Reagents are reliable for long-term studies with minimal waste.

Choose from our extensive menu of nearly 11,000 reagents.

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Plug-and-play workflow integration

What’s in the box?

  • 1 PBDC SOMAmer Reagent (3 nmol, 40 μm)
  • Polyanionic competitor, (1 µm)
  • Enough material for about 1,000 ELISA reactions or 200 pull-downs

Single SOMAmer Reagents are engineered for use in basic singleplex affinity assay protocols, complementing your current gold-standard methods. Our team can help guide you to replace antibodies and incorporate Single SOMamer Reagents into your existing workflows.

Sandwich ELISA – Replace antibody components to achieve better specificity and reduced nonspecific binding in ELISA workflows.

Mass spec pull-down – Replace traditional affinity reagents to enhance protein target analysis with greater access to binding sites and faster diffusion rates.

Capture protein targets

Capture protein targets diagram - SOMAmer Reagents


Detect protein targets

Detect protein targets SOMAmer Reagents diagram


What is PBDC Graphic

What is PBDC?

Each Single SOMAmer Reagent is pre-labeled with photocleavable biotin-linked cyanine 3 (PBDC).

This provides a plug-and-play reagent ready for capture, release and quantification of protein targets in affinity-based proteomic applications. No extra steps needed.

What is PAC diagram

What is a PAC?

A polyanionic competitor (PAC) is included with every Single SOMAmer Reagent. It is a universal reagent that prevents nonspecific complexes from rebinding after UV light breaks the photocleavable linker. A PAC acts on both the SOMAmer Reagent and protein to block rebinding of transient, nonspecific interactions.

Benefits of SOMAmer Reagents

Precision Icon

Superior precision

Achieve higher specificity with reduced nonspecific binding. Single SOMAmer Reagents are half the size of antibodies, providing better access to challenging protein binding sites.

Reproducible icon


Benefit from low lot-to-lot and batch-to-batch variability, delivering reliable performance and reducing the need for repeated validations.

Consistent and reliable icon

Consistency and reliability

Use the same reagents from your SomaScan Assay to ensure consistent results across all your studies.


Reduced immunogenicity

Avoid cross-reactive scFv fragments and IgG regions, lowering immunogenicity and ensuring consistency across different platforms.