Proteomic indicators of metabolic health in diabetes and social deprivation


  • Understanding the health impacts of socioeconomic deprivation (SED) and its interaction with type 2 diabetes is important for patient care and effective public health initiatives.
  • Large-scale proteomic profiling using aptamer-based technology to measure 7,000 proteins has facilitated the development of blood-based proteomic signatures for 11 cardiometabolic SomaSignal® Tests (SST)
  • We applied 11 SSTs to the Psychological, Social, and Biological Determinants of Ill Health (PsoBid) cohort to
    characterize the association between cardiometabolic health and social deprivation and diabetes.


  • PsoBid is a cross-sectional study that recruited participants from socioeconomically deprived and affluent areas of Glasgow, Scotland, to identify relevant health disparities.1
  • The cohort has similar age ranges and equal proportions of male and female in the affluent and deprived group.
  • We used generalized linear model regression analyses to compare means between SSTs (standardized to z-scores) and socioeconomic status and prevalent diabetes and to test for interactions.


  • These results demonstrate that participants with diabetes and SED have proteomic phenotypes consistent with worsened cardiometabolic health compared to participants without diabetes or SED.
  • SED is associated with worse predicted cardiovascular risk in patients with diabetes.
  • While the number of participants with diabetes was small (n = 27, 5.3%), we were able to identify differences in proteomic phenotypes compared to participants without diabetes.
  • Proteomics may be useful in identifying and monitoring the health effects of diabetes and SED or the impact of relevant interventions.


Missy Simpson1
Paul Welsh2
Chris Packard2
Rachel Ostroff1
Stephen Williams1
Naveed Sattar2

1SomaLogic Operating Co., Inc., Boulder, CO, USA
2School of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland

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