Proteomic risk scores can help identify high-risk patients and monitor short- and long-term effects of treatment

Proteomic risk scores can help identify high-risk patients and monitor short- and long-term effects of treatment

A webinar presented by Clare Paterson, PhD, Associate Director of Clinical Research, SomaLogic, and Jessica Chadwick, PhD, Scientist, SomaLogic


In this 1-hour discussion, you will learn how large-scale proteomics can be leveraged for multiple applications in the field of oncology. The focus will be on two new avenues of oncology research. The first is using proteomic risk scores to monitor the cardiotoxic effects of anthracycline treatment and identify patients who may benefit from cardioprotective therapy. The other is developing blood-based protein tests for stratifying lung cancer susceptibility. From biomarker discovery to medicine application and the potential to inform and impact patients’ standard of care—there is a lot to learn and look forward to in oncology research using proteomics.


Clare Paterson, PhD

Associate Director of Clinical Research, SomaLogic

Prior to SomaLogic, Dr. Paterson conducted a fellowship in the clinical brain disorders branch at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) before becoming an Assistant Professor in Psychiatry at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

Her academic research career focused on the use of -omics technologies to map how the human brain develops and ages and is altered in psychiatric illnesses, with the aim of ultimately uncovering new means of patient stratification and treatment discovery.


Jessica Chadwick, PhD

Scientist, SomaLogic

Dr. Jessica Chadwick is a scientist in the Clinical Research & Development department at SomaLogic.  She completed her PhD in biochemistry at The Ohio State University as an NIH fellow. Her academic research focused on novel therapeutic strategies for treating Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Dr. Chadwick has worked at SomaLogic for over 5 years on the development and productization of proteomic-based cardiometabolic tests. More recently she led an exciting new body of work aimed at assessing the robustness and sensitivity of these tests to interventions.

Protein biomarker models for oncology risk assessment and treatment monitoring

A webinar presented by Clare Paterson, MD, and Jessica Chadwick, MD

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